
Digital-First Comics: The Future? IGN All

At this year's WonderCon, fans and would-be comic creators were treated to an inside look at the growing world of digital comics in a panel featuring heavy hitters like DC's Hank Kanalz, Thrillbent's John Rogers, MonkeyBrain Comics' Masks and Mobsters writer Joshua Williamson, IDW's Jeff Weber and ComiXology's Chip Mosher.

The main topic of discussion was "digital-first" books, and Mosher got the ball rolling by asking Kanalz about DC's initiative of publishing a new digital title every day of the week.

"We wanted every day to be new comic book day," Kanalz said. He pointed out that the titles were optimized for the tablet, with each screen of the tablet equaling half a page of the comic. He stressed that titles like Injustice, Adventures of Superman, and the others were thought of has digital titles first and print second.

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