
Stealth Bastard Coming to PlayStation 3, PS Vita IGN PS3

Stealth Bastard isn’t only a game with a rather unusual (and awesome) title; it’s also the next indie game that’s coming to both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Sony has revealed that that the PC game will be coming to its platforms this Summer.

Stealth Bastard comes by way of Curve Studios – the guys who brought you the under-the-radar quirky PSN game Explodemon! -- and is described as an “outrageously devious stealth-puzzle-platformer.”

The game contains eight worlds with 10 levels each, in addition to a full level editor, leaderboards and more. Interestingly, levels in the game take “anywhere between 30 seconds and 10 minutes to complete,” making it seem like the game would be especially cool to have on the Vita… if it’s any good, that is.

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