
Age of Ultron #10A.I. Review IGN All

Age-of-Ultron_10AI-674x1024 The name alone may make Age of Ultron #10A.I. seem like some vital epilogue chapter to Age of Ultron in the same way Civil War: The Confession was for that event. Instead, it's more of an introductory issue for the upcoming Avengers A.I. series. Mark Waid briefly steps in to explore Hank Pym's current state of mind following his most recent battle with his "son," Ultron. Pym himself may be wallowing in misery as the issue opens, but if Waid has demonstrated anything with his current runs on Daredevil and Indestructible Hulk, it's that he's a bona fide expert in taking miserable heroes and reminding them how to have fun again.

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