
D4: Xbox One’s Most Enigmatic Exclusive IGN All

One of the most enigmatic Xbox One exclusives announced to date would have to be D4, or Dark Dreams Don’t Die, to give the game its full title. In development by cult Japanese game designer Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro and his team at Access Games, D4 is a murder mystery with an intriguing hook: its detective lead David has lost his memory, but is able to dive into the past to solve crimes. Specifically, his wife’s murder.

Of course, given this is a game from Swery, the real hook is likely to be just how strange and offbeat everything is, and D4’s initial reveal certainly doesn’t disappoint on that basis. David refers to his wife as ‘little Peggy,’ and interactions between characters are deliberately weird, with bizarre facial expressions and glances held for uncomfortably long moments.

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