
Infinity Looms for the Marvel Universe IGN All

Age of Ultron just wrapped up last week, but Marvel is already paving the way for its next event comic. But despite the short gap between the two stories, Infinity has been in the works ever since Jonathan Hickman first took the reins of Avengers and New Avengers. The story spins directly out of current conflicts and sees the Avengers fighting a massive battle on two fronts. On one hand, Captain America leads an A-List team of heroes deep into space to confront a looming threat from a group of beings called The Builders. That leaves Earth almost completely unprotected and ripe for an invasion by Thanos and his army.

That's the crux of Infinity, a story which will unfold in a mini-series of the same name, both of Hickman's Avengers titles, and various other tie-ins (including the recently announced Mighty Avengers ongoing). Marvel held one of their "Next Big Thing" press calls today to shed more light on Infinity and how it fits into Hickman's overarching plan for the Avengers. Joining Hickman was Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort.

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