
Red Lanterns #21 Review IGN All

To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't have minded terribly if DC used the conclusion of the "Wrath of the First Lantern" crossover and the ending of Peter Milligan's run on Red Lanterns as an excuse to cancel the series. The book was never strictly bad, but it never felt terribly vital alongside Geoff Johns' Green Lantern. And now with Atrocitus' vendetta against the Guardians having been fulfilled, what purpose does an ongoing Red Lanterns book really serve? That was the question new writer Charles Soule needed to answer with his first issue, and for whatever flaws this book has, he at least accomplishes that much.

Soule has already shown talent for excelling in what some would consider thankless positions. He took over the reins of Swamp Thing from Scott Snyder and has quickly produced a book that is both markedly different and also superior in some ways. He's an ideal candidate as far as finding new life for an ailing book.

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