
Beware the Batman: "Sacrifice" Review IGN All

Full Bat-spoilers follow.

This weekend's Beware the Batman episode, "Sacrifice," offered lots of enjoyable moments, but perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of it was what it indicated is yet to come with its final tease. Yes, an A-list bat-villain has entered the mix…

Ra's al Ghul lives!

Well, lives-ish. I'm not sure what his status is at the moment, as he appears sort of mummified and in some kind of stasis when Lady Shiva addresses him here. But clearly the longtime foe of the Dark Knight Detective will come into play as the major heavy of the second half of the season… for better or worse.

Many fans will see this as a reason to celebrate, and will perhaps even perceive the inclusion of Ra's as an admission of failure on the part of the Beware creators regarding their bid to go with lesser known villains on the show. But I would disagree with that notion, as we've been hearing for some time now that at least one major baddie would show up this season. And besides, I wonder how many people really knew about Ra's al Ghul anyway before Chris Nolan's Batman Begins was released. Of course a lot of us geeks were aware of him, but this guy isn't quite on the level of the Joker or the Penguin when it comes to mainstream recognition.

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