
Low Winter Sun: "Revelations" Review IGN All

Spoilers for the episode follow.

This episode of Low Winter Sun is a strange beast. At first glance, it’s completely irrelevant to the ongoing story of the death of McCann and Agnew and Geddes’ cover-up, as it follows Agnew’s testimony on a case that he and Geddes closed some time ago. As the episode progresses, however, there are clever thematic connections made between this off-screen case and the current woes of Detroit’s finest.

While I appreciate the attempt at thematic symmetry, there are simply too many threads being juggled and pushed to the side in this episode for it to feel like a true success. Between the threat on Maya and Sean’s kids by Skelos, Khalil becoming an informant of sorts for Boyd, Agnew on the hunt for Katia, Geddes letting Dawson in on the truth behind McCann’s death, Damon plotting to kill Skelos… the balancing act is difficult, and the show’s struggle to give every thread their just due is only highlighted by odd little detours.

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