
We Are Men: Series Premiere Review IGN All

Advance Review: Honestly, with a title like We Are Men, and the basic premise of four bachelors (i.e. "survivors of multiple failed marriages"), this new CBS single-camera sitcom had the potential to be far more asinine than it actually is. Which could have helped the show out a little bit, perhaps giving it an offensive edge that would stir up controversy. Or hurt it more by making the show needlessly reprehensible. And, let's face it, deplorable comedy on CBS gets an automatic pass.

As it stands though, We Are Men just plays as bland and milquetoast as its lead (actor Chris Smith), featuring a ton of jokes, set-ups and scenarios that you've seen a hundred times before in many other shows and movies. It's a hodge-podge of mediocrity designed to go down like a chewy children's vitamin - with, of course, the underlying message that women are all soul-sucking demons designed to prevent men from having any fun.

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