
Bad Things Are Happening for the Green Lanterns IGN All

With the first chapter of the Green Lantern crossover event Lights Out hitting stores today in Green Lantern #24, unspeakable levels of madness, confusion, and despair will no doubt engulf the entire Green Lantern fanbase. Luckily, we sat down with Lantern writers Robert Venditti, Van Jensen, Charles Soule, and Justin Jordan to suss out how Lights Out will affect the entire Green Lantern universe.

Beware, full spoilers for Green Lantern #24 are contained within this interview!

IGN Comics: This question is for Charles. In the first part of Lights Out in Green Lantern #24, the characters from Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and Green Lantern: New Guardians are all present, but your Red Lanterns book is the odd man out. What will the nature of their involvement be in Lights Out? Guy Gardner can’t help out the way he could if he were still a Green Lantern.

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