
Five Ways Breaking Bad Could've Ended IGN All

Spoilers, of course, follow for Breaking Bad.

Now that Breaking Bad's over… we can spend the rest of our lives talking about the end of Breaking Bad. And we're not the only ones, as creator Vince Gilligan has revealed on his Breaking Bad Insider podcast five ways the show could've ended:

1. Walter White Pulls a Rambo

“Our original version was that Walt would use

somewhat in Rambo fashion. …

that felt wrong for Walt to go out brawn over brain, go out like Rambo. Walt on his best day was never Rambo.”

By the way, Gilligan also says that when he and his staff were writing the first episode of the final season, where we first see Walt's machine gun, they had no idea who he'd be using the M60 against. They didn't even know about the Neo Nazis yet! And that's how TV works, kids.

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