
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: "0-8-4" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

There was a point in this episode, as a gunfight was erupting outside, explosions included, while some of our SHIELD agents were inside grabbing an artifact from an ancient temple, that I thought, “This is like The A-Team meets Indiana Jones.” And then decided that was a pretty fun combo. Despite being tied into the current Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are elements of SHIELD that feel very much like an old school TV series, which is actually quite enjoyable.

The second episode of Agents of SHIELD wasn’t as strong as the first and did point out some issues the show will need to work on as it develops. Fitz and Simmons were the least developed characters in the premiere and while we spent more time with them here, they still feel too much like the same character, albeit with Simmons the sunnier, more cheerful one. And even though their similarities are obviously intentional, it still isn’t helping to make them stand on their own as we get to know these people and moments like them saying, “She’s the Calvary!” in unison are pretty grating.

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