
Takedown: Red Sabre Review IGN All

This is not the next great hardcore tactical shooter. In fact, I don’t know why Takedown: Red Sabre was released in its current state at all. A spark of life glimmers at its core, but it’s overshadowed by a broken interface, poor squad combat, senseless enemies, and some of the most generic shooter environments in recent memory.

Takedown is one of those games in which bullets hurt. Whether in single-player or with others, you are going to die often, because as a rule of thumb, one good shot is often enough for the kill. The biggest problem with Red Sabre is that enemies wield this power in an unknowable and inconsistent way. Sometimes it’s funny, as clueless bad guys act out their best henchman fodder routines, blasting everything that isn’t you. Sometimes you’ll be taken down by a tiny speck of a gunman in the distance, and that’s much less amusing. This disparity means many of your stealthy assaults will boil down to luck, which isn’t a satisfying variable to consider in a game with such punishing consequences.

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