
Wrestling Wrap Up: Bryan and Brie Get Engaged IGN All

The government's closed today, folks, so shatter yourself a shop window, grab yourself a flatscreen and murder yourself a transient, because The Purge is finally upon us. And start your stop-watches, because each day, hour and second going forward will only serve to bring us closer and closer to the irradiated wastelands of Dredd.

But also, this shut down creates the perfect storm of opportunity in which to waste your time with fleeting nonsense! Hence - the Wrap Up! And what a silly RAW is was last night. Silly silly. Filled with Paul Heyman proposing to Ryback and a tiny, hyperactive little man in a bull costume. Although there's still a solid chance that I hallucinated the latter. I did eat some suspect shrimp before the broadcast, so I'm still leaving "disturbing wraith vision brought about by severe dyspepsia" open as an option.

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