
Comic Book Reviews for 01/01/14 IGN All

Welcome to the latest edition of of IGN's comic book reviews. We're taking things a little slow this week, as everyone is on different schedules because of the holiday. So look for more updates to come during the day on Wednesday as we continue to cover the big releases from Marvel, DC, Dynamite, and others.

As you can see, we're also including a handful of reviews for last week's releases. Jesse tackled Forever Evil #4 and Origin II #1 last Tuesday, and reviews for Justice League #26 and Avengers #24.NOW are forthcoming.

Expect things to get back to normal next week as everyone finishes their holiday traveling and publishers reopen the floodgates of new books.


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Justice League Dark #26 Review IGN All

JUSTLD-Cv26-ds-b707e Forever Evil: Blight has circled back around to the pages of Justice League: Dark. In the last installment, the opening battle with Blight didn't go too well for John Constantine and his merry band. The conflict takes a few new twists and turns this time around, as the heroes regroup, betrayals are made, and the Sea King enters the battlefield. All of this helps to address the story's biggest flaw so far - that it just doesn't have the meat to sustain readers every week all the way through March 2014.

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Superman Unchained #5 Review IGN All

SMUND-Cv5-ds-b050e One of the best compliments that can be paid to Superman Unchained is that, while it has its flaws, the series never makes the mistakes so many Superman stories seem to. This is a book burdened by too many characters and plot threads rather than too few. It makes use of many familiar faces, but not always in the traditional way. Scott Snyder finds ways to challenge Superman to his fullest without just relying on over-powered villains to trade punches with him. And as cluttered as this book is, the pieces are slowly coming together in issue #5.

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The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7 Review IGN All

SMFOES2013007-DC11-LR-1587b (1) As light a week as this is from a Marvel standpoint, the fact that Superior Foes of Spider-Man is on the docket is enough. The series remains as entertaining as ever with this latest issue, which is a standalone tale exploring the origin of Janice, the new Beetle. Given that issue #6 revealed her father is none other than Tombstone, you can imagine her road towards super-villainy was an unusual one. And you'd be correct.

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Aquaman #26 Review IGN All

aquaman 26 Based on Jeff Parker's resume, there was no reason to doubt that Aquaman would be in good hands with the transition from Geoff Johns to Parker. And Aquaman #26 does nothing to dissuade that notion. Fans of the series will find that nothing has fundamentally changed about the tone or direction of the series, and newcomers will find a perfectly sound jumping-on point for the ongoing saga of Arthur Curry.

Parker isn't really one for making overly flashy debuts on his ongoing books, instead letting the big ideas trickle out naturally over time. Aquaman is no exception in that regard. There are signs that political tensions among the Atlantean elite will continue to play a major role in the series, but apart from that, this issue basically boils down to "Aquaman vs. Crab Kaiju." It's a fun way to kick off Parker's run. He's able to showcase the full extent of Aquaman's considerable talents, and we get a good sense of how Parker will handle the dynamic between Aquaman and Mera. Apart from a fairly abrupt ending, it's a solid start all around.

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GTA Online: Rockstar's First Verified Jobs IGN PS3

We put together a montage of the first 10 jobs verified by Rockstar. Congrats to the community members and thanks for the new jobs we can all experience!



The Rock: I'm Working on a DC Movie in 2014 IGN All

The Rock, aka action star Dwayne Johnson, tweeted today that he's had talks with the boss of Warner Bros. about partnering for a DC Comics project in 2014. Check out his cryptically cool tweet below:

So does this mean Johnson -- once joking described as "franchise Viagra" for boosting the likes of The Mummy, G.I. Joe, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and The Fast and the Furious -- is joining Batman vs. Superman? If so as whom? Lex Luthor? Doomsday? Vandal Savage? Jimmy Olsen?! (OK, kidding on that one.)

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First Photo From Guardians of the Galaxy IGN All

Disney and Marvel Studios released their first official photo from next summer's Guardians of the Galaxy today. Check it out below along with a new official synopsis for the James Gunn-directed comic book movie.

The image was first seen during Marvel's movie panel at this past summer's San Diego Comic-Con:

The Guardians of the Galaxy, L-R: Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Chris Pratt as Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon (voice of Bradley Cooper), Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), and Groot (voice of Vin Diesel). Guardians of the Galaxy: Zoe Saldana as Gamora, Chris Pratt as Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon (voice of Bradley Cooper), Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), and Groot (voice of Vin Diesel).

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Wrestling Wrap Up: Daniel Bryan Joins the Wyatts IGN All

Ho ho ho. Haappppppy New Year!


Look, here's the situation. My parents went away on a week's vacation. And it's freakin' NYE so this Wrap Up'll be a quick one. Plus, I only half-paid attention to wrestling last week. Hell, I didn't even do my yearly tradition of DVRing Tribute to the Troops only to then fast-forward through the entire thing. Yes, I allowed my brain to (mostly) decompress. Mental hibernation. It was my Christmas gift to myself. It was like Zen but with more Doritos crumbs on shirts.

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New Avengers #13.INH Review IGN All

new avengers 13 Despite the "INH" tag and the big Inhumanity banner, don't expect New Avengers #13.INH to deal very much with the new status quo of the Inhuman race. Instead, Jonathan Hickman is much more interested in exploring a different piece of Infinity's fallout. Infinity #6 alluded to the existence of Black Priests and Ebony Kings, and this issue reveals much more about the nature of these beings. It's a far more interesting story than any mere Inhumanity tie-in would likely have been.

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Devil's Third Is Coming In 2014 IGN PS3

Devil's Third, the upcoming third-person shooter from Tomonobu Itagaki, the creator of the Dead or Alive series, is almost done. In a recent interview with 4Gamer (translated by Siliconera), Itagaki confirmed that Devil's Third is 80 percent complete and due for a release sometime in 2014.

“Next year will be the year we’ll be releasing the console game, Devil’s Third,” said Itagaki. “At the moment, it is about 80 percent complete, and we can about see the end of it. However, there’s still a little more polishing that needs to be done. That’s also one of the reasons I’ve decided to work independently.”

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Devil's Third Is Coming In 2014 IGN All

Devil's Third, the upcoming third-person shooter from Tomonobu Itagaki, the creator of the Dead or Alive series, is almost done. In a recent interview with 4Gamer (translated by Siliconera), Itagaki confirmed that Devil's Third is 80 percent complete and due for a release sometime in 2014.

“Next year will be the year we’ll be releasing the console game, Devil’s Third,” said Itagaki. “At the moment, it is about 80 percent complete, and we can about see the end of it. However, there’s still a little more polishing that needs to be done. That’s also one of the reasons I’ve decided to work independently.”

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PEGI Lists Warframe for Xbox One IGN All

The free-to-play shooter, Warframe, may be coming to the Xbox One.

A recent update to PEGI (Europe's video game age rating organization) shows an Xbox One version of Warframe assigned a rating of "18" for extreme violence. Oddly enough, its release date is marked as today, December 31.


Warframe is currently free to play on PC and PlayStation 4. In July 2013, developer Digital Extremes said it would consider bringing Warframe to the Xbox One after learning of the option of self-publishing.

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Snipers Confirmed For Titanfall IGN All

Titanfall is a futuristic military shooter that will feature snipers, Respawn Entertainment has confirmed.

"Sniping is in the game, but due to how the game plays it's a pretty different animal than you'll find in your run of the mill modern military shooter," said Titanfall developer "scriptacus" on the official forums. He goes on to explain that, "Quick scoping and no scoping are ineffective."

He's referring to a few tactics used in many of today's military shooters. Quick scoping involves shooting a player as soon as the reticle lines appears, rather than taking the time to aim down the scope. No scoping, usually done up close, is when a sniper doesn't even use the scope of his gun to aim, instead he just relies on the power of the rifle to take down the target.

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Jim Starlin Reunites With Thanos IGN All

When Marvel published Infinity earlier this year, it was the latest in a long line of cosmic-oriented mini-series with the word "Infinity" in the title and revolving around Thanos. But it was the first to not be written by Jim Starlin. Starlin created the Mad Titan in the pages of Iron Man in 1973. Since then, he's been a thorn in the side of heroes like Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, and Captain Marvel, and he's been the central villain of events like Infinity Gauntlet, Infinity Crusade, and Infinity Abyss.

Starlin last worked with his creation in the short-lived Thanos ongoing series in 2004. That seemed to mark the end of Starlin's tenure at Marvel. However, for months he's been hinting online about working on a new Thanos-themed project. And this week Marvel confirmed the existence of a graphic novel titled Thanos: The Infinity Revelation.

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NASA Uses Kinect and Oculus Rift to Control A Robotic Arm IGN All

Researchers at NASA's Jet Propulusion Laboratory are experimenting with robots using the Xbox One Kinect sensor and Oculus Rift.

The team has been using the gaming technology to control a robotic arm called JACO in real time. According to NASA, the way it works is by combining the position tracking from the Kinect and the rotational tracking of the Oculus to create a first-person view for their operator. Once the operator is set, he can then perform simple tasks like picking up blocks.

If the tests prove successful, future applications could include using the technology on the Robonaut 2 humanoid on the International Space Station.

This isn't the first time NASA has used gaming technology. Earlier in 2013, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory used the Oculus Rift paired with an Omni treadmill to recreate what it's like walking on the surface of Mars.

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Japan’s First PlayStation 4 Commercial Arrives IGN All

Many were surprised when PlayStation 4 was revealed with no word on its Japanese release. After all, Sony is a Japanese company, and every PlayStation device in the past – from PSone and PS2 to PS3, PSP, and Vita – came out first in Japan.

But the gaming landscape has changed, and Sony decided to use its limited supply of PlayStation 4s to wage war in the west, where a majority of its sales are made. Sony may take for granted that it will win the war in Japan by default, but either way, it was wise to take the PS4 units that may have been allocated for Japan and instead bring them west. After all, PlayStation 4 sold 2.1 million copies in only two weeks, and is officially the fastest-selling console of all-time.

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Joel McHale on Community's (and Dan Harmon's) Return IGN All

When Community returns for Season 5 on Thursday, it will also mark the return of the show’s creator, Dan Harmon. Harmon returning to the show was a huge surprise, given the less than happy circumstances around his departure, but many involved in the series credit Joel McHale for playing a huge role in pushing for it to happen. When I spoke to McHale on the set of the show, we discussed bringing Harmon back to the series and the other changes in store for Community this season, including Jeff Winger becoming a teacher.

IGN TV: What's it like having Dan back this season?

Joel McHale: Well, it's like someone's giving you a new tank of air underwater, and now you can breath again. It's the restoration of what the show is and who the show was created by. The show is in Dan's brain, and that's why last year was kind of all over the place. One of the episodes was written by Jim Rash, which was a really good episode. Megan Ganz and Andy Bobrow were there, but it just wasn't the same, because everything comes out of Dan. The impetus starts with Dan. Obviously, Dan's particular brand of comedy for Community is very distinct, and that was lost last year.

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Get Ready for Deadpool vs. Carnage IGN All

Deadpool and Carnage have never really crossed paths in the Marvel Universe, even though they share a number of similarities. Both are hyper-violent characters. Both sometimes have a tenuous grip on reality. And both debuted in the early '90s at the height of the speculator boom, maintaining devoted fanbases even as the market has ebbed and flowed.

And at long last, Marvel is bringing these two characters together for one battle royale. Deadpool vs. Carnage is a four-issue mini-series launching in April 2014. Chronicling this epic brawl are writer Cullen Bunn and artist Salva Espin, who previously teamed up on Deadpool Kills Deadpool.

We had a chance to talk to the duo about their new collaboration and why Deadpool and Carnage are going to war. Read o for the full scoop and a glimpse of Espin's art from issue #1.

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The Comics Run: December 30, 2013 IGN All

Welcome to the final Comics Run of 2013. It's another holiday week, so most comic shops should be offering new books for sale on Tuesday (check with your shop to make sure). But unlike last week, where only a handful of new issues saw release on the day before Christmas, this week's lineup is pretty respectable. Only Marvel's output is still reduced (expect that to change pretty quickly in January).

This week sees new writers take the reins of Batwoman and Aquaman at DC, an Inhumanity-themed issue of New Avengers, and some promising new series from the likes of IDW and Dynamite.

No doubt you have your own opinions on what's hot this week, so take the opportunity to strike up a lively conversation in the comments section below.

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Hackers Take Down All The League of Legends Servers IGN All

A hacker group called DERP has intermittently taken down multiple gaming sites and servers today. Riot Games' League of Legends servers took the brunt of the attack, as the NA/EU/OCE servers have been down for a good portion of the day, as was the LoL website and forums. The group also managed to take down the Dota 2 servers for a while, as well as Club Penguin, Battle.net, and EA.com.

DERP began the DDoS attacks with a few Tweets about League of Legends:

Steam Ends 2013 With 7.6 Million Users IGN All

After a healthy number of sales and new releases this year, Steam is still going strong –– today's peak user count reached 7.6 million, and sits at 7 million as of this writing, according to a Steam stats page.

Titles such as DOTA 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 contributed greatly to the high user count today, pulling in 600,000 and 111,000 users, respectively. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2 also had an exceptional number of players today.

Steam's year-end numbers accompany two huge games sales, the Steam Autumn Sale and Holiday Sale. The current Holiday Sale added a twist this year, allowing players to earn badges that can be traded in before the sale ends Jan. 3. Users can earn badges in several different ways, such as spending money, voting for community flash sales or trading them with other users.

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Microsoft Files Trademark For "Throne Together" IGN All

Microsoft has filed a trademark for a game called "Throne Together."

Unfortunately the trademark application, which was filed on December 19 and only appeared on the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) last night, doesn't give any details about Throne Together other than letting us know it's game software.

For now it's unclear what Microsoft has up its sleeve, but considering the company has promised new IPs for its successful Xbox One console, could this be our first hint at the one of them?

Keep it tuned to IGN for more Throne Together details as they're released. For now, what do you think Throne Together could be? An action game based in medieval times? Something toilet related? Let us know.

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Uncharted Was Nearly Called Something Else IGN All

During interviews conducted for IGN’s extensive History of Naughty Dog, Naughty Dog’s Co-President Evan Wells revealed an interesting story regarding the development of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, one specifically surrounding its title.

At Sony’s now-infamous E3 2006 press conference – the one where the company revealed PlayStation 3’s exorbitant $600 price tag – Naughty Dog’s new, much-anticipated project was set to be revealed. After working on cartoony, mascot-driven platformers for the past decade, Naughty Dog was ready to unveil its fresh, realistic new series: Uncharted.

“The funny story behind

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Games With Gold January 2014: Sleeping Dogs and Lara Croft: Guardian of Light IGN All

Microsoft's Games With Gold promotion continues in 2014, with January bringing two new games: Sleeping Dogs and Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.

Sleeping Dogs, typically priced at $19.99, will be available from January 1-15. As a game released in August 2012, this is the newest -- and one of the best -- games to be given away through Games With Gold. Typically, the games given away for free are older retail games (like Gears of War and Halo 3) and Xbox Live Arcade games (like Defense Grid and Iron Brigade).

Following Sleeping Dogs next month will be Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. The XBLA game is regularly priced at $14.99 and will be available for free from January 16-31.

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Uncharted Was Nearly Called Something Else IGN PS3

During interviews conducted for IGN’s extensive History of Naughty Dog, Naughty Dog’s Co-President Evan Wells revealed an interesting story regarding the development of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, one specifically surrounding its title.

At Sony’s now-infamous E3 2006 press conference – the one where the company revealed PlayStation 3’s exorbitant $600 price tag – Naughty Dog’s new, much-anticipated project was set to be revealed. After working on cartoony, mascot-driven platformers for the past decade, Naughty Dog was ready to unveil its fresh, realistic new series: Uncharted.

“The funny story behind

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Capcom Developers Reveal 2014 Lineup IGN PS3

Several of Capcom's lead developers have unveiled some of the company's 2014 lineup. In a recent group interview with 4Gamer, the developers revealed they're working on a fighting game, a new Phoenix Wright title, the revival of a classic IP, and more.

During the panel, Kazunori Sugiura, Producer on Deep Down, explained that Capcom intends to reaffirm its presence in the fighting genre. No word as to whether he was referring to the upcoming release of Ultra Street Fighter IV or a new title.

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Out This Week: December 30, 2013 IGN PS3

With so many new games and movies coming out, it can be hard to keep up. Lucky for you, IGN is here to help with a weekly round-up of the biggest releases each and every week. Check out the latest releases for this week, and be sure to come back next Monday for a new update.

Note: The prices and deals compiled below are accurate at the time we published this story, but all are subject to change.


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Capcom Developers Reveal 2014 Lineup IGN All

Several of Capcom's lead developers have unveiled some of the company's 2014 lineup. In a recent group interview with 4Gamer, the developers revealed they're working on a fighting game, a new Phoenix Wright title, the revival of a classic IP, and more.

During the panel, Kazunori Sugiura, Producer on Deep Down, explained that Capcom intends to reaffirm its presence in the fighting genre. No word as to whether he was referring to the upcoming release of Ultra Street Fighter IV or a new title.

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Out This Week: December 30, 2013 IGN All

With so many new games and movies coming out, it can be hard to keep up. Lucky for you, IGN is here to help with a weekly round-up of the biggest releases each and every week. Check out the latest releases for this week, and be sure to come back next Monday for a new update.

Note: The prices and deals compiled below are accurate at the time we published this story, but all are subject to change.


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Lightning Returns (Japanese Import) Commentary 9 IGN PS3

Andrew and Marty continue their Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII import playthrough and figure out how to use map markers.



Independent Group Creates Tomb Raider Fan Film IGN PS3

A group of friends published Croft, a short film based on the Tomb Raider series, on Youtube last week.

Croft is a non-profit project created purely for entertainment and for showcasing the group's filmmaking talents. According to its profile page, Croft is CanCinema's first project published on Youtube.

The film follows the eponymous Lara Croft as she rescues a group of friends taken hostages by mercenaries. The mountainous setting is reminiscent of the Tomb Raider reboot's from earlier this year, as are Lara's attire and equipment.

Watch the Youtube video below in all of its glory, but be warned, there is some profanity throughout.

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Capcom Explains Resident Evil's Success IGN All

When you talk about survival horror games, Resident Evil can't be ignored. Capcom recently looked back on its long-running series and examined why it thinks Resident Evil became so popular.

After Resident Evil 5 earned record high sales for the series, Capcom looked at what it could do better in the sixth entry. The result, Resident Evil 6, sold over five million units, despite mixed criticism.

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Perfect World To Start Releasing Console Games IGN All

Perfect World Entertainment, the publisher behind free-to-play PC MMOs like Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, has announced its new console division. The division will target current and next-gen consoles.

Alan Chen, CEO of Perfect World Entertainment, believes that bringing the company's titles to consoles is a "natural progression" and that the games are poised to set a new standard for console MMORPGs and other genres.

Unfortunately, Perfect World isn't ready to let us in on which games will be coming to consoles first. Aside from their MMO properties, Perfect World is also a majority owner of Runic Games, developer of Torchlight II. Could we see the epic action-RPG on consoles soon? All we know for now is that we'll have more details in 2014.

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Capcom Explains Resident Evil's Success IGN PS3

When you talk about survival horror games, Resident Evil can't be ignored. Capcom recently looked back on its long-running series and examined why it thinks Resident Evil became so popular.

After Resident Evil 5 earned record high sales for the series, Capcom looked at what it could do better in the sixth entry. The result, Resident Evil 6, sold over five million units, despite mixed criticism.

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Perfect World To Start Releasing Console Games IGN PS3

Perfect World Entertainment, the publisher behind free-to-play PC MMOs like Neverwinter and Star Trek Online, has announced its new console division. The division will target current and next-gen consoles.

Alan Chen, CEO of Perfect World Entertainment, believes that bringing the company's titles to consoles is a "natural progression" and that the games are poised to set a new standard for console MMORPGs and other genres.

Unfortunately, Perfect World isn't ready to let us in on which games will be coming to consoles first. Aside from their MMO properties, Perfect World is also a majority owner of Runic Games, developer of Torchlight II. Could we see the epic action-RPG on consoles soon? All we know for now is that we'll have more details in 2014.

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Independent Group Creates Tomb Raider Fan Film IGN All

A group of friends published Croft, a short film based on the Tomb Raider series, on Youtube last week.

Croft is a non-profit project created purely for entertainment and for showcasing the group's filmmaking talents. According to its profile page, Croft is CanCinema's first project published on Youtube.

The film follows the eponymous Lara Croft as she rescues a group of friends taken hostages by mercenaries. The mountainous setting is reminiscent of the Tomb Raider reboot's from earlier this year, as are Lara's attire and equipment.

Watch the Youtube video below in all of its glory, but be warned, there is some profanity throughout.

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Microsoft To 'Look Into' Hello Games Aid IGN All

In a continuing streak of bad luck, developer Hello Games found that the damage to its office last week won't be covered by flood insurance. Microsoft's Phil Spencer said he had heard about the studio's situation on Twitter, and that he is "going to look into it."

Hello Games is the developer behind No Man's Sky, the procedurally generated MMO that captured audiences' attention earlier this month. Floods devastated the studio last week, the team said, destroying pretty much "everything in the office." The team said that efforts with insurance claims failed, as living in a flood risk zone prevents flood coverage.

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Balancing Bowser in the New Super Smash Bros. IGN All

Bowser has never been a commanding Super Smash Bros.’ competitor, but if a recent update from game director Masahiro Sakurai is any indication, he may soon become a turtle-shelled terror.

In his weekly column with Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu (via Siliconera), Sakurai said “fans of Smash Bros. probably never saw

as to much of a strong character, but this time, his ability to knock others out is very strong!” His special attacks, aerial attacks, and Smash attacks can now easily send opponents flying into the air.

The problem, then, is making sure Bowser remains fun to play without becoming unstoppable.

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Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Still Not Working IGN All

EA and DICE, developer of Battlefield 4, have posted an alert for players on its technical support forums warning them that intermittent connectivity issues are still affecting some players across various platforms.

Battlefield 4

Since its release in October, Battlefield 4 has been plagued with connectivity issues, crashes, loss of data, and now there are reports that the China Rising DLC, which was recently banned in China, is failing to carry over from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 systems. The bugs are so serious that a law firm even filed a complaint against EA.

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