
47 Ronin Review IGN All

The tale of the vengeance of the 47 Ronin is perhaps Japan’s most well-known and beloved legend extolling the virtues of the Bushido honor code. Based on real events in 18th century Japan, the story follows 47 loyal samurai who become ronin (masteries) when their leader Lord Asano is forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) after he is accused of assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka. The men waited, planned for over a year, and then avenged their lord by killing Kira.

The anniversary of their campaign is celebrated on the 14th of December each year via fictionalized depictions of the event known as Chushingura. Multiple embellished and otherwise reimagined versions of the tale have emerged over the years. Everything ranging from the 1962 film Chushingura to an all Hello Kitty adaptation is available; which is likely the reason that director Carl Rinsch and Universal Pictures felt at liberty to add their own Westernized/fantastical twist.

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