
Ken Jeong Talks Community: Season 5 IGN All

Third in our interviews from the set of Community is Ken Jeong. With Season 5’s debut coming January 2nd, the busy comedic-actor spoke about Community not following the path of other shows, John Oliver coming back as Professor Duncan this year and Ben Chang’s evolving role in the series.

IGN TV: I’ve been asking everyone the obvious question to start with, which is what is it like having Dan back this season?

Ken Jeong: It's amazing. I'm sure everyone's telling you right now, it's such a great reset of the show. I think that's kind of been the operative word for the season premiere, just kind of resetting the Community/Dan Harmon universe. My favorite part is just reading the scripts. Everyone will tell you, he's genius and a visionary, and I'm saying exactly the same thing. In fact, he's one of the smartest people I've ever met just in life -- and I was a doctor.

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