
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood Review IGN All

Using a giant marker to color your way through the puzzles of Max: The Curse of Brotherhood offers a great-looking and clever twist to the platforming genre. Well, it would if it weren’t so frustrating half the time. Once the novelty of drawing wears off, the curse we’re left with isn’t brotherhood, but awkward controls.

I generally like the idea that I can make drawings to help solve platforming puzzles, even though it’s not as freeform as the concept implies. You get the marker early on, but before you do, climbing ladders and jumping over endless gaps as Max in the beautiful 2.5D environment gives you your first taste of the floaty controls. Cruelly, our little hero is a complete platforming pansy who can't even double-jump; one long-ish fall or hit from just about anything and he'll go down faster than that kid in Limbo. And he went down a lot. This game isn't as cuddly as it appears.

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