
Nikita: "Bubble" Review IGN All

Warning: full episode spoilers follow.

Nikita's penultimate episode felt more like the start of a new season than the beginning of the end. I honestly don't know how this show is able to do so much with so little time, but its what we've come to expect from this thrilling and woefully underrated show.

"Bubble" began with Michael and Nikita marveling at the dreamlike feeling of their current situation, and that's really what it is. Not in a fake-out sense of it not really happening, but in the sense that it's fleeting, and not meant to be. Nikita and her friends testify before congress and when the public gets to see the avenging Nikita that we've always loved, turns out they love her too. Nikita tests through the roof in opinion polls, wins the approval of decent men like Senator Chappel (John Getz), earns the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and has a little bit of time to enjoy the feeling of being seen as one of the good guys.

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