
Origin II #1 Review IGN All

It's hard to imagine now, but there was a time when Wolverine's past was still largely murky and shrouded in mystery. But motivated by the impending threat of the X-Men movies doing what the comics never did, Marvel finally greenlit Origin, the mini-series that finally revealed Wolverine's real name and the pivotal events that shaped him into the troubled ronin and killer he is today. And thanks to House of M, we've seen much more about the years between Origin and Wolverine finally joining the X-Men. Some of it has been interesting; and some of it suggests that these are stories better left untold.

Ten years later, we're finally seeing a direct sequel to Origin. Origin II picks up several years after the first left off. The man once known as James Howlett is living a peaceful, animalistic existence in the Canadian wilderness with a pack of wolves. But the recurring tragedy of Wolverine's life is that every period of reverie is eventually broken by death and hardship, and that was clearly as true in 1906 as it is in 2013.

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