
The Amazing Spider-Man Vita Review IGN All

The Amazing Spider-Man, you may recall, was a movie and video game released back in the summer of 2012. Over a year later, Activision has snuck out a PlayStation Vita version just in time for the theatrical debut of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, but the only things added in that time are a few glaring bugs and some egregious performance problems.

Zipping around the Big Apple. Zipping around the Big Apple.

It’s at its worst when you’re outdoors. When swinging around the open-world Manhattan, the framerate often became so bad that it looked like trying to watch a YouTube video on a dial-up connection. It always seems to strike when something potentially exciting is happening, or worse, when there are multiple enemies on the screen, which led to more than a few cheap deaths when I was surrounded and couldn’t tell what was going on. Issues with the camera freaking out and pointing any which way but the right way, especially when crawling around on ceilings, didn’t help things either.

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