
The Best Games Within Games IGN PS3

Mini-games have been a staple of video games for years. Examples such as the car-smashing bonus stage of the Street Fighter series or Mortal Kombat's button-mashing interlude Test Your Might having become instantly recognisable. Indeed, some games within games have become iconic in themselves - Geometry Wars originally lived inside Project Gotham Racing 2’s garage.

Games within games can be incorporated in several ways to varying effect. Some are used diegetically to elaborate on a game's world, such as Hideo Kojima’s self-referential tapestry in the Metal Gear series, while others serve as tributes to success stories past, like Namco’s inclusion of Galaga in Tekken's loading screens. Some games, such as Vanquish, Flower and Rayman Legends, even feature playable credits. The following serve as an appreciation of some of the more imaginative examples of mini-games.

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