
Ultron, Apocalypse, Guardians Explained! IGN All

Wow. There are so many comic book movies happening these days. And not just that, but the mythologies of these films are growing more and more complex, especially in the wake of Marvel’s universe-building, Avengers-tastic success.

But as more superhero films are announced -- and along with them more characters and storylines taken directly from the original comics are revealed to be coming to the big screen -- it’s becoming increasingly difficult to know exactly what these movies will be all about. Sure, you might’ve heard of the Winter Soldier, but do you really know what his deal is? Ultron is a robot, yes, but what connects him to the Avengers? Vin Diesel is Groot? O.K. -- but who is Groot? (Whoever replied to that with “I am Groot” gets a gold star.)

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