
Arrow: "Tremors" Review IGN All

Warning: full episode spoilers follow.

This week's Arrow brought about a firm shift in focus after several episodes revolving directly around Sebastian Blood and his underground army of superhumans. For better or worse, it looks like we can expect Blood and his one-eyed master to take a backseat for a bit as the writers pick up other loose threads and set new conflicts in motion. But while it does seem like the season is taking on a scatter-brained focus so as to prolong the showdown with Blood and Slade until the season finale, it's hard to complain about the other juicy nuggets "Tremor" had to offer.

Above all, the crux of this week's conflict involved Ollie struggling to mentor Roy. He's had his assistants for most of the show's lifespan, but this is the closest we've come so far to seeing the Arrow partner up with an honest-to-goodness sidekick. But while there are certain similarities between Ollie/Roy and the iconic Batman/Robin partnership - they come from vastly different backgrounds but are united for a thirst for justice - this is still a very different Dynamic Duo. It's a partnership formed on Ollie's fear and Roy's rage, and thus not a very healthy one for much of this episode. But it was a partnership that evolved in a satisfying way. It was a nice callback to Ollie's early months on the island to see him subjecting Roy to the water slapping technique. And I liked how the entire partnership was presented as a second chance for Ollie. He failed to save Slade from himself, but maybe he's learned enough after six years of hardship on and off the island to be able to save Roy.

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