
EA Comments on Battlefield 4 Server Issues IGN PS3

In the wake of announcing its third quarter 2013 results, EA executives have weighed in on the company's Battlefield 4 stability issues during a Q&A at the end of its earnings conference call.

When EA executive vice president Patrick Soderlund was asked what happened with Battlefield 4 and what the company learned from it, he explained that while EA and DICE were "convinced

was ready," EA was taking "multiple steps" to ensure its post-launch issues never happen again with future products.

"When Battlefield 4 launched, it was a very complex game, launching on two entirely new console platforms, as well as current-gen and PC," said Soderlund. "We were pushing innovation heavily and we're delivering 60 frames per second gameplay for 64 players plus the ability to connect via mobile tablet as a Commander into the product, coupled those with some very innovative features on the gameplay side. Based on our pre-launch testing and beta performance, we were confident the game was ready when it was launched. Shortly after launch, however, we began hearing about problems from our player community, and the development team quickly began to address the situation.

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