
Graphic Novel Review: Battling Boy IGN All

You most definitely need to check out Battling Boy from publisher First Second. Even without considering that it’s been 6 years in the making and it’s by the ridiculously talented Paul Pope, it is a rousing success in storytelling thanks to its wildly energetic artwork. You just can’t get enough of the stuff. Pope uses it to tell Battling Boy’s quirky and action-packed Hero’s Journey: on his 13th birthday, the young god-boy must prove his worth as a hero by journeying from his floating god-city down to the earth-city Arcopolis to save it from the monsters that constantly attack it. Not an original concept, sure, but since when has the thought of a young lad wielding godly powers to vanquish car-eating beasts not been enough to get you to pick up a comic?

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