
KI's New Patch to Punish Rage-Quitters IGN All

Hot on the heels of the Spinal reveal, Double Helix’s “Filthie” Rich Bantegui has outlined a new patch that will be “coming soon.” Aside from adding support for their bony new character, the update will address a variety of minor bugs, as well as the hot-button topic of how to deal with online rage-quitters.

According to the forum post on Double Helix’s website, if a player’s disconnect rate exceeds 15%, they will be sent to “jail” for 24 hours, during which time they will only be able to play with other jailmates. Subsequent trips to the virtual big-house will increase your sentence by 24 hours up to a maximum of five days, and every match that sends you there will result in a loss for you. Hopefully this will cut down on people intentionally disconnecting while getting pummeled by a long Ultra combo at the end of a match.

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