
Next Marvel One-Shot Title Revealed IGN All

The special features for the Thor: The Dark World Blu-ray have been revealed, and chief among them is the title of the next Marvel One-Shot: “All Hail the King.” Slight spoilers follow.

Infographic: Thor: The Dark World's Nine Realms of Asgard

Nothing is known about “All Hail the King” at the moment, aside from its running time (some 13 minutes). But considering the short is coming on the Thor sequel’s Blu, and well, considering the events of that film, one would think that this could be a continuation of a certain story thread from The Dark World. But then again, Ben Kingsley has said that he’s filmed more material for Marvel as his Iron Man 3 character (the un-Mandarin, shall we call him?), and it had seemed likely that was for a Marvel One-Shot… so, basically, stay tuned for more details on what “All Hail the King” is all about.

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