
Octodad: Dadliest Catch Review IGN All

Octodad: Dadliest Catch is very much my kind of game. The central conceit of an octopus masquerading as a human is pure absurdist genius, and a premise worthy of even the most coked-up ‘80s sitcom producer. And as the name suggests, Octodad is married with children, and must maintain the façade of being a regular Joe even at home. It’s a great set-up for genuinely amusing gameplay and a surprisingly sweet story.

Dadliest Catch doesn’t give any context initially, instead dropping us straight into Octodad’s wedding day. It’s a deliberately bizarre place to start, and a good training ground for the controls. Each one of Octodad's tentacle legs is controlled independently; your body flopping about as you lurch drunkenly around, while objects can be picked up with a single, snaking arm. It’s actually quite intuitive, and you’ll have your tux on and attempt a nonchalant walk down the aisle in no time.

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