
Parks and Recreation: "Ann and Chris" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow…

"Ain't no party like a Leslie Knope party, 'cause a Leslie Knope party is actually 30 parties."

While it's pretty much impossible to be as emotionally enraptured with Ann and Chris as with Leslie and Ben, "Ann and Chris" was a strong send-off for Leslie Knope's "perfect sunflower" BFF and her health-obsessed, Dr. Richard Neigart-obsessed beau, Chris.

Though the one moment that really sticks out the most to me (probably because I found it to be the funniest and most interesting) was Andy's brief, insane farewell to Ann. Because honesty, it is a trip that the two of them ever were together. In fact, If I recall my early Season 1 reviews, I believe I actively wondered what the hell she was doing with him. Along with questioning why the cameras, if this was supposed to be a Parks Department documentary of sorts, were following him at all.

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