
Saga #18 Review IGN All

STK629540 Saga #18 sees the conclusion to the story writer Brian K. Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples have been building for months now. While the arc may have felt a tad stretched thin in certain areas (though that might be mitigated when read as a trade), this issue provides a mostly satisfying end to the emotional high stakes of the chapters that came before.

There have been a lot of plot lines in Saga, and while they've been gradually converging over time, some of them -- namely Upsher and Doff's -- haven't quite congealed with the heart of the narrative as well as they could. That's still the case, but for the most part, Vaughan and Staples are efficient in how they choose to tie their loose ends together. Sometimes, too efficient. Prince Robot IV's role in the issue is almost too neatly handled as he shuffles off into the distance, and the way in which Marko and Alana conclude their confrontation with an angry, desperate Gwendolyn doesn't quite feel earned within the text.

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