
Star Wars Continuity to Be Streamlined IGN All

All the ancillary Star Wars storylines found in books, comics, and pretty much anything not created by George Lucas are about to get a whole lot more uniform. From now on the continuity of the Star Wars universe will be handled centrally by the Lucasfilm Story Group run by Pablo Hidalgo and Leland Chee.

Chee was hired by Lucas Publishing in 2000 to create The Holocron, the authoritative licensing and continuity database for all Star Wars products. Previously, the Holocron divided Star Wars materials into four ranks, with works created by George Lucas (e.g., the first six films) at the top, overriding the various categories of Expanded Universe materials.

THR sums up the system as, “Everything that happens in the movies counts, and everything that happened in any of the spin-off material, be it games, comic books, novels or television shows doesn’t”.

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