
Why is Deadpool So Popular? IGN PS3

Deadpool has almost no peer in the comics industry. I'm not saying that his stories are of such high caliber that even Alan Moore is forced to bend down and worship at his altar. Moore already has far stranger altars he prays at. I've read some pretty lousy Deadpool comics in my day. But the character has a level of enduring popularity among readers (and even non-comic fans, to an extent), that many find perplexing. People who otherwise have no interest in comics have been hardcore fans of the character since the '90s. After Batman, he's probably the most common choice of superhero message board icon on the Internet. He managed to sneak into Hollywood before even A-List Marvel heroes like Thor and Black Widow in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And since he first received an ongoing solo series in 1997, he's essentially never been out of the spotlight. Even supposedly more iconic characters like Ghost Rider and Doctor Strange can't claim that.

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