
Helix: "Level X" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Oh, Helix. You can go from being arctic cool to a crazy hot mess, often in the same scene. I'm glad I made my peace early with the fact that this show is, at its best, camp. Even so, "Level X" had some really clunky moments--primarily because of bad dialogue and weak acting at points. I feel like this episode would've been way better on mute, especially when they decided to become the two-hundredth television show to use Gary Jules' version of "Mad World" in an end-of-show montage. They've been using music so well, too.

The best part of the episode was a returned focus on the Vectors, who've been reduced to cameos of late. This week we got to see them swarm, share their mouth goo in a disgusting yet oddly touching ritual that revived (and how) Peter, who then became something of a god to the drippy denizens of Level X. Remember way back when an infected Peter asked Hatake for water and he said "Progress"? Why is he different? We also got to observe a Vector in captivity, after Sarah was used as bait (really?) so that it could be captured and used as a lab rat. Alan may not be laughing at its plight the way cryogenic expert Victor is, but he has seemingly given up on insisting on calling them "he" and "she." They've been thoroughly dehumanized.

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