
The 10 Most Patriotic Superheroes IGN All

Saluting in cinemas is expected to rise 6000% this weekend as Captain America makes his way back to the Marvel fold in sequel The Winter Soldier. As a former soldier himself, Cap's whole deal is that he fights for justice in the name of the USA, but he's not the only superhero who is proud to wear his nation's colours. Join us as we round up the most patriotic, flag-waving-est comic-book heroes in history – cut them and they bleed, er... whatever colours are on their flags.

Steve Rogers is a gosh darn true blue American hero who represents everything his country stands for (truth and justice, yes, but don't mention the steroids thing). Cap's origins stretch all the way back to the Second World War, when wimpy wannabe soldier Steve was injected with a super-serum which inflated him like a balloon into the peak of human perfection. Making light work of the Nazis, Captain America has continued to wear the stars and stripes ever since; he always upholds the honourable qualities on which his homeland was founded, but in the modern Marvel Cinematic Universe, Chris Evans' iteration of Cap sees him slightly skeptical of America's peace-keeping efforts. Still, he's red, white and blue through and through – right down to the underpants, we'd wager.

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