
What's Next for Swamp Thing? IGN All

Last issue, Swamp Thing was introduced to the Sureen, a cult of humans who have worshiped the various Swamp Things throughout the ages. Their main purpose is to let a Swamp Thing be human for a brief time by allowing him to temporarily taking over one of their bodies.

Alec Holland decides to go on a humancation and, wouldn't you know it, it was all a trap! As soon as Alec made the switch, those claiming to be the Sureen took off their disguises, packed up the Swamp Thing body, and split. Meanwhile, the ceremonial brew the human drank turned out to be poison, leaving Alec in a dying body and without his awesome plant powers.

Needless to say, this has been an awesome yet harrowing chapter in Swamp Thing's life, which is why we can't wait to see what happens next!

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