
The 100: "Contents Under Pressure" Review IGN All

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

While not quite as thrilling as last week’s installment, this week’s The 100 was perhaps the most balanced yet as far as big storylines occurring both on the Earth and the Ark (not counting flashbacks, like last week).

It’s a familiar story to chart what happens when you have a prisoner and some wish to torture him for information and some do not, but the conflict here worked, especially as things escalated. Raven deciding to go further than Bellamy had and actually electrocute Zartan -- yep, I’m still calling him that until he gets an onscreen name! -- was a legitimate shock (pun only slightly intended), and it was also exciting to see Octavia go for the route of poisoning herself, risking her own life on the bet that Zartan wouldn’t let her die.

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