
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game Review IGN All

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game feels like what would happen if you found a cursed monkey's paw and wished for the best web-slinging experience ever. For all the fun you can have swinging around New York City, it’s canceled out by boring Peter Parker segments, frustratingly dull combat, and annoyingly persistent glitches. Meanwhile, plot is tossed aside in favor of churning out an unsatisfying parade of supervillains.

Traversal is much-improved from 2012’s Amazing Spider-Man game. Your web lines have to actually attach to a nearby building or structure, so you're encouraged to swing close to the ground where taxis and other vehicles honk as you narrowly miss them. It’s much more fun than flying high above them on webs apparently attached to clouds. Having the left and right triggers (or mouse buttons) mapped to swinging with their respective arms is a nice addition, too; the ability to alternate adds a tad more authenticity to Spidey's wild and fast swinging, as does cutting around a corner by using the inside arm. The first time I made a crazy dive from a skyscraper and attached a web to a building right before hitting the ground, I could finally relate to the common scene that’s played out in just about every Spider-Man movie over the last dozen years. I never wanted to stop moving in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

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