
Da Vinci's Demons: Season 2 Finale Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

As Season 2 ended, “The Sins of Daedalus” wrapped up this year's tradition of packing a vast amount of content into a single hour. Seriously, if there is one thing I’m going to remember this season for, besides its consistent quality, it’s the amount of meaningful content per episode. This week we witness the fallout to Carlo’s attack on da Vinci, Lorenzo’s long overdue reunion with Lucrezia, Vanessa going into labor, Clarice dealing with Carlo’s betrayal and much, much more. Let’s dive in.

Da Vinci’s attempt to chase down Carlo following the fire doesn’t go so well but it does lead to another enigmatic encounter with Al-Rahim. This time Rahim is apparently there in the flesh. I’m not sure that means much considering we saw him in that otherworldly plain of existence from a few weeks ago. Rahim gives da Vinci a much-needed push in the right direction and it’s revealed that the Book of Leaves is most likely in Constantinople. Hopefully this isn’t another “sorry da Vinci, your Book of Leaves is in another castle” scenario. We won’t know for sure until next season anyways.

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