
WWE 2K15's MyCareer Mode is Like a Wrestling RPG IGN All

Like a lot of WWE-loving gamers, I've given a lot of thought to what my perfect wrestling game might look and play like. Yeah, I can assure you, that game will never be made...mostly because the things I'd want would be so at odds with what a game needs to be a mainstream success nowadays. But it still makes me smile when modern games offer a piece or two of that perfect vision. WWE 2K15's MyCareer mode made me smile such a smile, because for the first time that I can remember in the history of virtual wrasslin, whether you win or lose is only as important as how good of a show you're putting on.

Let's get some facts straight first. MyCareer is a mode for created wrestlers only, and it has you starting out at the NXT Performance Center in Orlando, where Bill DeMott yells at you a lot. From there, it's a ride to the NXT TV show, the main WWE roster, various PPVs, and perhaps eventually, championship gold. The thing is, that ride can be either explosively fast or arduously long, and ultimately, it may never lead exactly where you want it to go.

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