
Graphic Novel Review: Original Sin IGN All

Marvel used to take a clear, organized approach when it came to collecting their major event comics in graphic novel format. A cheap, no-frills paperback edition would be released a month or two after the event wrapped. This paperback would allow trade-waiters and bookstore dwellers to get caught up on the story with a minimum of hassle and expense. Then, a year or so down the road, Marvel would issue a fancier hardcover collection that included various tie-in comics and bonus content, appealing to the completists for whom cover price is less of a concern.

But these days, Marvel is just as likely to take the opposite approach. Now they lead with the expensive, comprehensive hardcover collections. That's what they've done with Original Sin. This hardcover collects the core Original Sin mini-series (including the #0 issue), the Original Sins companion series, the Original Sin: Secret Avengers Infinite Comic, and the material from 2011's Point One comic that set the stage for the event. A well-rounded package, to be sure, but it's hard to imagine any Marvel reader being satisfied with the end product. Original Sin itself remains a very flawed story in collected format. Meanwhile, the high cover price will turn many casual readers away, and the physical quality of the book will disappoint those who do buy it.

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