
Halloween: The Complete Collection Blu-ray Review IGN All

Note: Apologies for this review going up a full month after this set was released. A ton of travel kept me from being able to watch all the new material until this week. Which reminds me... Anyone have a portable Blu-ray player?

A year after we miraculously saw Paramount and Warner Bros. collaborate on a Friday the 13th box set that finally included all of the films and Universal and MGM work things out to give us the first Chucky box set that actually had the first Child's Play film in it, horror fans have been given another long-awaited treat with Halloween: The Complete Collection. As with those other films, the trouble had always been the multiple distributors involved in the series through the years – with the first, fourth and fifth Halloween films released independently, II and III released by Universal and every movie since the sixth (including the remake series) coming from Dimension Films – who in turn had gone from being part of Disney/Miramax to The Weinstein Company. Add in various home video distributors and it always seemed too complicated to ever be resolved.

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