
New Details on Terminator: Genisys IGN All

Producers and actors in the upcoming Terminator Genisys recently discussed how certain characters are being re-imagined, and how their decisions will alter the tried-and-true formula for the renowned action franchise.

Teams have tried altering the series formula before –– Terminator: Salvation, for instance –– but producers David Ellison and Dana Goldberg, and director Alan Taylor (Thor: The Dark World) are confident they can avoid the mistakes of the past.

The reboot, which is the first of a planned trilogy, takes place in 2029, when John Connor (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) once again sends Kyle Reese (Divergent's Jai Courtney) back to 1984 to save Connor's mother. Be advised the following revelations are SPOILER-ISH.

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