
Wonder Woman #35 Review IGN All

Without a doubt, Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang’s interpretation of Wonder Woman is one of the New 52’s biggest successes. It’s been both a critical and financial darling, and fans around the world have been dreading to see this series end. Time marches on though folks, and issue #35 is the final culmination of everything our beloved creators have been working on. The results? The storytelling, both on a written and illustrated level, continues to be the strength of this series of brings things home quite nicely. That said, the ending leaves us with a tinge of dissatisfaction that a simple epilogue could have resolved.

The New 52 was designed in large part to revitalize, redefine, and reintroduce DC’s stable of characters for a 21st century audience. Many success stories have come out of this endeavour, but Wonder Woman is perhaps the biggest success of them all. This success is due to the storytelling duo of Azzarello and Chiang of course. They took to heart the core of who Wonder Woman is, but were not afraid to take chances by adding to and drastically altering the Amazon’s mythos.

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