
Madman: In Your Face 3D Special #1 Review IGN All

STK655777 $10 is a lot to ask for any comic book. And when you're talking about an issue that's comprised mostly of reprinted material and pinup art, even more so. It's a testament to the appeal of Mike Allred's signature creation that this issue still justifies its high cover price. And Madman fanatic will wan to check out this special for the opportunity to see old stories presented in a dramatically different form.

This issue reprints two stories from Madman Atomic Comics - "Swiped From Dimension X" from issue #3 and "Become Like They Are" from issue #9. These two stories blend well together, as both feature a lot of high concept musing on dreams and the interplay between fiction and reality. The former story stands out as especially memorable because of Allred's unique approach to the visuals. Every single panel in "Swiped From Dimension X" pays homage to the art style of a different comic book artist or animator. That means we get to see Frank Einstein as he might have been drawn by the likes of Charles Schultz, Tex Avery, Jim Steranko, and even Maurice Sendak. It's a visual feast, and one that enhances the script significantly.

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