
Randal's Monday Review IGN All

Sometimes it’s fun to play as the bad guy. After all, cutting loose as a cyclone of pure evil can be invigorating, and perhaps a little therapeutic. Even, um...flawed personalities (like the entire cast of Grand Theft Auto V) can be fun to inhabit as long as the action and writing make them interesting. Then there’s Randal Hicks, titular star of the allegedly humorous pop culture nostalgia-fest Randal’s Monday: he’s just a jerk. And not a particularly funny or interesting jerk, either. Combine an unlikeable character with cringe-worthy puzzles, and you’ve just added a disappointing point-and-click adventure to your inventory.

Described by his creators as a “kleptomaniac, sociopath, and above everything bad friend,” Randal makes it really hard to like Randal’s Monday. The plot is clever enough; much like Groundhog Day, Randal is cursed to relive the same bad Monday over and over again until he can set things right. But unlike Bill Murray’s obnoxious anti-hero, Randal doesn’t seem to have a moral center. When confronted with the dismembered body of his best friend, Matt, Randal is too busy making quips to feel remorse. His persistent douchebaggery doesn’t get bogged down by pesky character growth or lasting consequences, nor is his narcissistic stupidity made the butt of the joke.

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