
Batman #38 Review IGN All

We are now four issues into Endgame and if writer Scott Snyder has shown us anything at this point it is that this is his most unpredictable arc yet. The Joker has shaken the world of Batman to its core, but the implications introduced in this issue are only the tip of the iceberg. Snyder’s epic tale is starting to fall into to place, but as all of the pieces come together the forming tableau threatens to shatter things all over again. With his newest issue, Snyder begins to lift the veil ever so slightly as he begins to incorporate pieces of his previous stories. All of which culminates in a shockingly unexpected cliffhanger that will change the course of Endgame yet again.

Endgame began with images of Batman’s own death and an epic battle between himself and the Justice League. This all transitioned into the reveal and rebirth of Batman’s greatest foe, the Joker. From here, Endgame turned into what simply could have been another entertainingly savage attack against Gotham delivered by the Joker, but of course it was more than just that. Snyder had already established his interest in the relationship between Batman and Joker, but with the last issue he introduced us to his intent to dig even deeper into the madman himself.

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