
New Year's Resolution: Beat Fewer Games IGN PS3

“In 2015 my resolution is to finally clear my backlog.”

Gamers all over the world often look at their piles of unbeaten games with guilt.

But… why? Why should anyone play a game for one more moment after they stop having fun? Why should we feel guilty for returning to Team Fortress 2 for yet another round instead of finishing up that adventure game that was starting to feel boring? Why should anyone willingly subject themselves to boredom, just to put a game in the “done” column? Games are here for our entertainment!

In 2015, I resolve to beat fewer games. I resolve to not feel guilty for putting down a game I’m not enjoying. Whether I’ve been playing for 15 minutes, or I’m 15 minutes away from the end. There are mountains of other games to try!

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