
Person of Interest: Will Root Choose The Machine or Shaw? IGN All

Person of Interest fans have been on edge for weeks now, waiting for the second episode in the exciting Samaritan Trilogy, "If-Then-Else", to air.

The first installment, "The Cold War," left us all hanging as it looked like Samaritan was crashing the stock market and the war between Greer's goons and Team Machine was officially on. Making things better/worse, Shaw left the team's underground hideout so that she could head out and be an extra soldier on the ground, even though the fact that she's now easily trackable could make things worse for our heroes.

I spoke to star Amy Acker about the next episode, "If-Then-Else," which appears to be somewhat of a climax on the Samaritan front, even though we're only halfway through the season. We also talked about the scene in "The Cold War" between Root and the young boy, Gabriel, and how Shaw trying to help might complicate things for Root, from a heart vs. head standpoint.

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