
Sailor Moon Crystal: "Final Battle, Reincaration" Review IGN All

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode follow.. .

It’s happening!

Yes, the final showdown between the Sailor Guardians and Queen Metalia has finally begun, and I’m happy to report the fight was everything a Sailor Moon fan could ask for. There was action, suspense, drama, and romance. Best of all, there was a strong message about how love and friendship can overcome impossible odds.

Admittedly, it didn’t look like love and friendship was going to overcome diddlysquat at first. This episode did a great job establishing just how powerful Metalia has become, with several shots of her roughing up the Sailor Guardians and covering the world in utter darkness. I actually liked this bleak beginning, since it raised the stakes dramatically. How were the Guardians going to win against Metalia without the Silver Crystal and their leader to guide them?

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